Cultivating Resilient Food Ecosystems

We resource local farmers and food businesses to foster resilient food ecosystems through collaboration, equity, and capacity building.

Collaborative partnerships

No single entity can address complex food system challenges alone.

Learn more about how The Lab fosters a collaborative ecosystem where ideas, expertise, and resources are leveraged to achieve common goals.

Equitable resource allocation

The Lab facilitates access to land, infrastructure, technology, and financial support for local farmers and food businesses.

Learn how we level the playing field to ensure that all collaborators have the opportunity to thrive.

Capacity Building

Collaborators are equipped with tools and expertise needed to navigate challenges, adopt best practices, and innovate within the food system.

Learn more about our education, technical assistance, and outreach opportunities.

By promoting regenerative agricultural practices, climate resilience, and equitable access to healthy food, the Lab aims to create vibrant and resilient food ecosystems where farmers are valued, land is honored, and everyone has enough to eat!

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